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Andres Garcia

Microhondas y Tanque soviético fh500. Vive en Panama, Ciudad de Panamá, Panama. Nacio en Febrero 22.
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Andres Garcia
"It isn't enough to read; you also have to write" - Quote taken from Jordan B Peterson - March 2018 - Patreon Q & A at 02:29.
6 Personas Gusta(n) de esto
I like this! While it is true that reading gives us knowledge, it is necessary to write because we must put into practice what we have learned 👏🏻
Me Gusta Abril 14, 2022
Jordan Peterson is a good psychologist who is getting closer to Christianity. With that phrase he reflects a reality, we must not only learn, but also put into practice what we learn. 1f44f.png1f44f.png1f44c.png
Me Gusta Abril 14, 2022
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