Hello, world. As the world celebrated "Book Day" this past Saturday, I felt that I needed to share with you a quote from one of the greatest African-American women, Ophrah Winfrey.
Oprah Winfrey is ... Ver más
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Dilciana PeraltaDP
Dilciana Peralta
Opening a book is a habit I wish little kiddos can have. Instead of looking at a portable for hours, we, as parents, should gift them with a piece of paper that can explode their imagination into reality. Besides, I am very impressed by Winfrey's words because she points out that by reading we are a... Ver más
Me Gusta
Abril 25, 2022

Dario Atencio
Emma and Dilciana. Your comments are full of reality. A book helps us to expand our lives into creativity and knowledge.
Me Gusta
Abril 25, 2022