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"We would be worse than we are without the good books we read, more conformist, less restless and rebellious, and the critical spirit, the engine of progress, would not even exist. Just like writing, ... Ver más
2 Personas Gusta(n) de esto
Allan RojasAR
Allan Rojas
Very good message, it seems to me something completely true, since good books are like food for our minds, they help us improve our way of expressing ourselves, they make us more educated and coherent.
Me Gusta
Abril 9, 2022
Tilcia RicoTR
Tilcia Rico
This message is so important since nothing enriches the senses, the sensibility, of human beings as much as reading, reading well, life is much better enjoyed and good citizens are also formed for a democratic society, for society free, That is, endow them with a critical spirit.
Me Gusta
Abril 9, 2022