Here is a quote to celebrate the World Book Day 😊
"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." - Char... Ver más
5 Personas Gusta(n) de esto
A part of the quote seems somewhat true to me, because there are times when reading a book make us feel less alone or we find a clear answer for certain situations in our lives, but it is also good to have friends with whom you can talk or laugh about different topics.
Me Gusta
Abril 22, 2022
Hillary AlcázarHA
Hillary Alcázar
Me parece muy interesante la frase, y creo que es cierto.
En los libros encontramos refugio muchas veces; cuando no sabemos cómo expresarnos, una buena lectura nos ayuda a encontrarnos a nosotros mismos y aprendemos a través de los pensamientos y/o experiencia de los autores.
Me Gusta
Abril 22, 2022