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Riina Udras

Vive en Estonia. Nacio en Julio 3.
Riina Udras
Song celebration festival yesterday in Estonia. 25000 singers, 70000 spectators. No one minded the pouring rain.
Riina Udras
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Riina Udras
Estonians are choir singers as a nation. It's something that is almost sacred to us.Today we lost one of our most loved composers. Here's a memory from one of our singing festival for him. https://yo... Ver más
Riina Udras
It is an honour to perform such a beautiful song to a composer. Of course it's a pleasure to sing it too. "Come to me" by Mari Amor performed by female choir Gaudete from Estonia.
7 Personas Gusta(n) de esto
Julio Rodríguez
Me Gusta Septiembre 30, 2022
Carlos Fernández
Beautiful, thanks so much for sharing! 2b50.png2b50.png2b50.png
Me Gusta Septiembre 30, 2022 Edited
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